Meaning, Definition and Concept of Industrial Relations

The term 'industrial relations' means relationship between the parties concerned with the industry viz. workers represented by workers associations or trade unions and management represented by owners. The interest of both are vital to the well-being of the industry, hence it is necessary to secure both parties to improve industrial relations the cooperation to ensure the growth and stability of the industry. As the canvas grew bigger and bigger, state interference became imperative for the regulation of labour-management relations and thus the area of the industry has been extended to relations among the State, relations employers and employees.


"The relations between employers and employees in the industry. In the broad sense, the term also includes the relation between the various unions, between the State, and the unions as well as those between the employers and the State".

Casselman's Labour Dictionary

"The term industrial relations include recruitment, selection and training of workers, personnel management as well as collective bargaining policies and practices."

Dale Yoder,

"Industrial relations involve attempts to arrive at workable solutions between the conflicting objectives and values between the profit motive and social gains, between discipline and freedom, between authority and industrial democracy, between bargaining and co-operation and interests of the individual, the group and the community."

Richard A. Lester,

"Industrial relations refers concept to a dynamic and developing which is not limited to the complex relations between trade unions and management but also refers to the general web of relationships normally obtaining between employers and employees a web, much more complex than the simple concept of labour capital conflict."

Prof. I.N. Kapoor, 

"Industrial relations may be relations among workers, defined as the complex of inter-managers and government."

Prof. Dunlop, 

"The concept of industrial relations has been extended to denote   the relations of the state with employers, workers and their organization…the subject,   therefore includes individual relations and joint consultations between employers and workers and people at their workplace, collective relations between employers and their organizations and trade unions and the part played by the state in regulating these relations." 

Encyclopedia Britannica,

"Industrial relations in a wide sense denote such matters as freedom of associations and the right of collective bargaining application of the principle of the right to organize and the machinery for co-operations of conciliation and arbitration proceedings, and between the authorities and the occupational organisations at various levels of the economy."

International Labour Organisation,

Industrial relations are the results of those mutual feelings and views of employers and employees which they adopt to get better results of planning, organising supervision, direction, coordination and control of the efforts of their industrial enterprise. It includes their efforts to minimise mutual friction and to develop mutual cooperation and coordination. It also includes the laws passed by the Government for the settlement of industrial disputes and for the establishment of harmonious industrial relations. Thus, Industrial Relations are the inter-relations between employees, employers and Government.