There are several methods of training. The following are the methods commonly used in practice:

1. On-the-Job Training: 

It is the oldest and most popular method of training. Under this method, the new employee is put on the job under the consent, guidance, and supervision of his superior officer. He learns by observation, experience, and guidance from his officer. He gets the necessary instructions and directions under the guidance of a supervisor or a senior employee.

2. Vestibule Training:

Under this method, the employees are trained at the training center. Such a training center is specifically set up to train the employees. At this center, all efforts are made to create actual workshop conditions. For this, separate machines and tools are used to train the employees.

3. Apprenticeship Training:

This type of training is suitable for the industries. In which the employees require systematic training for quite a long time. Under this method, the new employees are required to work as an apprentice under the guidance and supervision of experts. During training, they are paid pre-determined remuneration. The terms and conditions of training are regulated by the relevant laws of the company.

 4. Class Room Training:

Under this method of training, some lectures are arranged by the enterprise. For these lectures, experts in their fields are invited to teach the employees of the organization.

5. Internship Training:

Under this method of training, both theoretical and practical training is provided to the employees through the joint efforts of business firms and training institutions. Trainees get theoretical knowledge in an educational or technical institution and practical experience in a factory or office. This method is very suitable for professional and technical personnel.

6. Conference Method:

Under this method of training, conferences are organized in which some groups of members discuss under the guidance of a leader. This method of training may be used to train the employees of an enterprise at all levels of management. The members participating in a conference must be of equal status so that they may have a free and frank exchange of views at these conferences on various concerning issues and subjects.

7. Training by Supervisors:

This is the simplest method of training. Under this method, the employees are put on the job under the supervision of their supervisor who instructs them to do their work and supervises their performance.

8. Teaching Machines:

This is the latest method of training. Under this method, the help of machines is taken to train the employees. Tapes, slides, etc. are prepared and played before the employees who learn the methods of doing their jobs with the help of pictures and sounds.