There must be a definite and well-defined procedure for
making the selection of employees in the enterprise. The procedure of selection
is the series of steps through which the employees are finally selected for the
enterprise. The selection procedure must be prepared in a manner that more
and more information may be made available about the candidates so that the
selection of the best employees may be made. There cannot be any definite selection
procedure applicable to all enterprises. However, the common steps of the selection
procedure are as follows:
1. Receipt of Application Forms:
First of all, applications are
invited from prospective candidates. These applications may be invited
through advertising the vacancies in News Paper, Magazines, Employment
exchanges, Schools and Colleges, Training Centres, Labour Unions, and other
Educational Institutions, etc. These applications may be invited on plain paper
or on the prescribed forms, which may be issued by the enterprise. The
candidates are advised to give the relevant information in these application
forms. These applications provide a record of the qualifications, experience, etc., of
the Candidates.
2. Analysis of Application Forms:
A date is declared as the
last date for submitting the application forms. After this date, all the
applications received for a post are analyzed in detail. The applications which
are incomplete or which do not meet the requirement of the post are set aside and
the applicants of remaining applications are further invited for different
tests and interviews etc.
3. Holding Employment Tests:
The candidates, who are
selected on the basis of their applications, are called for employment tests.
These tests may be of the following types:
(i) Intelligence Tests: Intelligence tests are meant to
measure the mental ability of an individual in terms of his memory, vocabulary,
reasoning etc. These tests measure the power of understanding of the
candidates. It is a very common test used in the selection procedure these
(ii) Personality Tests: Personality tests aim at testing the
nature, habit, emotion, maturity, and temperament of the candidates. These tests
are helpful in deciding the spirit of groups and the feeling of mutual
(iii) Aptitude Tests: Aptitude tests are tests that
measure the capacity and potentiality for learning the skills required for the
job. These tests are very helpful in forecasting the success of candidates on a
particular job.
(iv) Interest Tests: These tests are designed to evaluate the likings and disliking of the
candidates for different situations and different occupations. These tests are helpful in determining the
jobs suitable to the individual candidates.
(v) Job Tests: These tests measure the level of efficiency
and skills of the candidates required for a particular job. For example, the
candidates required for the post of typist may be asked to type some material.
By this test, the speed of typing and accuracy in typing may be judged.
Employment tests are becoming very popular device of making
the selection of best candidates for different posts. These tests help in
measuring certain factors of the personality of the candidates.
4. Interview:
The candidate selected in employment tests are
invited for interview. The main object of interview is to find out whether an
individual candidate is suitable for a particular job or not. Face to face
interview is the most important step of the selection procedure. It helps in
judging the personality, ability, capability and the temperament of the
candidates. It also provides an opportunity to check the information given by
the candidates in their opportunity to the enterprise to application forms. It
provides the provides the opportunity to the understand the candidates
thoroughly. It is a process of two-way communication. Interview must be
conducted in a friendly and congenial atmosphere.
5. Selection by the Supervisor:
Candidates selected at the
interview must be referred to the supervisor for final selection. Supervisor
tests candidates with reference to the specific requirements of the job. If the
supervisor feels satisfied, the candidates are selected. If the supervisor is a
member of the interview board, this step of referring the candidates to the supervisor
is not required.
6. Medical Examination:
After making the selection of the
candidates they are checked by a reliable doctor or by a board of doctors to
check their health. The main object of medical examination is to check whether
the selected candidates are physically capable or not to perform the required
job. The candidates, who are deciared medically unfit, are rejected.
7. Issue of Appointment Letters:
The candidates, who are approved
in the medical examination also, are issued the appointment letters. These
appointment letters must contain all the necessary information relating to
their posts, period of probation, scale, terms of appointment etc. These
letters must also mention the date by which the candidates should join the
8. Arrangement of Training:
Necessary arrangements are made
for providing training to the selected candidates, if necessary. The nature of
training and the period of training depend upon the nature of job. Training
increases the efficiency of the selected candidates. It also increases the
9. Allotment of Work:
When the employees are trained, the
work is allotted. The allotment of work must be made keeping in view the
capacity the ability the past experience and the taste of candidates. The main
point to consider while making the allotment of work must be the 'right man for
the right job' and ‘right job for the right man’.
10. Follow Up:
After making the allotment of the work to the
employees, it is followed up. Under this process, the supervisor checks whether
the employees are doing their work according to the instructions issued to them
or not. If not, necessary instructions and directions are given to them.