Mahamuni Vyasa was the author of many Vedas and the great epic Mahabharata. The truth of whose life is also somewhat different. Through this article, we have thrown light on all the facts related to his birth. With the blessings of his mother and the tenacity of his father, he became a famous sage.

Ved Vyas's mother's name was Satyavati. Satyavati was the daughter of Apsara Adrika. Adrika became a fish due to the curse and lived in the river Yamuna. Once King Vasu of Chedi is hunting and kills a heron. He wanted to give this heron to his wife but it falls into the river Yamuna and is eaten by the same fish named Adrika. The king caught that fish and cut its stomach and saw that there were two children in its stomach, a boy and a girl. The king takes the boy with him and tells his subjects that he is the prince of Chedi. Raja Vasu gives that girl to a fisherman named Matsya Gandhi. He brings her up as his own daughter and names her Kali (as she is dark in complexion). With time Kali's name becomes Satyavati. Satyavati's father also used to drive a boat, Satyavati used to help her father in his work. Satyavati now grows up and her father starts searching for a suitable groom for her.

Once during the day, Satyavati meets sage Parashara, who asks her to drop her to another place on the Yamuna river. Satyavati's father was busy in some other work, due to which Satyavati had to drive the boat and take Rishi Muni across the Yamuna. Sage Muni is fascinated by the form of Satyavati and insists on having a relationship before marriage but Satyavati refuses saying that she is a Brahmin and Satyavati is the daughter of a minor fisherman, by doing this the prestige of her family is destroyed. will be found in Rishi Muni does not listen to Satyavati, then Satyavati agrees to fear of curse of Rishi Muni but puts a condition in front of him, she tells him that no one should know about their relationship, they Never look at someone in a wrong way. And it also says that his son should be very famous and scholar in the world. His knowledge should be discussed far and wide.

Rishi Muni agrees to his words and the life of Ved Vyas begins. Rishi Muni and Satyavati have a son. Rishi Muni then leaves and promises that he will never meet Satyavati again. Satyavati's son grows up immediately with the penance and blessings of sage Muni and becomes a stout young man. He promises his mother Satyavati that whenever she calls him he will immediately come to her and fulfill her wish. At that time he is named Krishna. After this they go to the forest and get engrossed in penance. Later his name was Ved Vyas. Vyasa was the author of many Vedas and the great epic Mahabharata. Because of Satyavati, he also plays the role of a character in the Mahabharata somewhere or the other. After this, Satyavati gets married to Shantanu, the king of Hastinapur. Due to which they have 2 sons Chitrangada and Vichitravirya. Dhritarashtra and the Pandavas were sons of Vichitravirya and grandsons of Satyavati. 

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