Kauravas birth history


Mahabharata is such a Purana in which the history of India has been written in detail which proves that India is not a country but a nation. A nation that does not take birth nor is created, remains the same for ages, in which culture is formed, religion is formed, which we hear in the name of Sanatan Dharma. The Mahabharata story describes the boundaries of India, which is its grandeur and vastness. attests to. Our India, which is called the golden bird, contains many eras within itself. And the same grand history is described in this epic.

Similarly, Mahabharata Purana is also very important in Indian culture, which was composed by Maharishi Ved Vyas, he revealed it through his speech, which was written by Lord Ganesha himself. This Maha Puran only helps us to identify Kalyug, and teaches us the lesson of truth, untruth, and dignity.


Gandhari who was the daughter of the Gandhara king and a devotee of Shiva. Gandhari had engaged her mind in devotion to Shiva since her childhood, as a result of which Lord Shiva blessed her with a hundred sons. Gandhari was married to Dhritarashtra, the son of Vichitravirya, who was blind from birth. Dhritarashtra wished that his wife should have eyes so that he could see the world through her eyes and manage the kingdom. But as soon as Gandhari got the marriage proposal. Keeping her husband's religion paramount, she took a vow to tie leaves on her eyes for life before marriage, which made Dhritarashtra very angry, because of this, Dhritarashtra was not made the king of Hastinapur and Pandu was crowned.

Due to his anger, Dhritarashtra decided not to allow Gandhari to come near him. After knowing this, Shakuni, who was the brother of Gandhari, told Dhritarashtra about the boon of Shiva and said that only your son will fulfill his dreams and he will never be defeated if he had his 99 brothers. Hearing this, the ambitious Dhritarashtra saw a way to fulfill his wish. So Dhritarashtra accepted Gandhari as his wife.

Gandhari was pregnant for more than 10 months but she did not give birth. After 15 months, Gandhari had a big piece of meat in her delivery. Because of this Satyavati and Dhritarashtra cursed them a lot. Angered, Dhritarashtra, with the aim of causing more trouble to his wife, made relations with Gandhari's beloved maid.

At the same time, Maharishi Vedvyas reached Hastinapur and told that it is not possible for a woman to give birth to 100 sons, but Shiva's boon does not go in vain, so this is not a piece of flesh, but it contains the seeds of 100 children of Gandhari. Gandhari had also wished God for a daughter as a boon, thus she is blessed with one hundred and one children.

After this, Maharishi Ved Vyas created a womb-like environment in one hundred pots. After this, the first son born was named Duryodhana. After this, the maid also got a son. Therefore, the number of Kauravas was not one hundred, but one hundred and two, in which hundred children including sister Dushala were of Gandhari and one child of her maidservant.

This was the truth related to the birth of Kauravas. The war of Mahabharata was fought for the protection of religion in which Kauravas were unrighteous and Pandavas were righteous. The creator of this Mahabharata was Maharishi Vedvyas, on his speaking Mahabharata was written by Ganapati himself and the narrator of this Mahabharata was Shri Krishna himself who guided the Pandavas in this battle of religion.

How were the one hundred and two Kauravas born? Kaurav Birth History In Hindi Interesting story related to the birth of Kauravas, how did you like it? Stay connected with us to know the Mahabharata story and facts related to it and if you also know of any similar incident then write us in the comment box.

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