Knowledge of religion is very useful many times in life. All the characters in Mahabharata have their own history. There was some or other reason behind all the actions of all the characters. Here, through this story, we have tried to explain the intention and reason behind all the work of Shakuni Mama.

Shakuni was not a well-wisher of the Kauravas but was their opponent-

The biggest question that comes to our mind in the Mahabharata is whether Shakuni was not a well-wisher of the Kauravas but an opponent of them. Shakuni was the son of King Subala of Gandhara and brother of Gandhari. In relation, he was Duryodhana's maternal uncle. Shakuni was the biggest reason for the Mahabharata war. Shakuni was very knowledgeable and learned, he was a deep-thinking and far-sighted person. Shakuni used to support Kauravas a lot during and before the Mahabharata war, he used to pretend to be their great well-wisher and advisor, but Shakuni was not a well-wisher of Kauravas but was their opponent, in fact, Shakuni wanted the end of Dhritarashtra and his dynasty. , they wanted the Kauravas to end. That's why Shakuni got Kauravas to fight with Pandavas, he already knew that Kauravas would be defeated by Pandavas.

There were two main reasons for Shakuni's enmity with Dhritarashtra and the Kauravas. The first was the marriage of his sister Gandhari to a blind man, Dhritarashtra. The king of Hastinapur defeated the king of Gandhara. Because of this Gandhari had to marry Dhritarashtra. Gandhari also did not want to see the world as her husband was blind and she, being a good wife, blindfolded his eyes. And took a vow that she would never see. Shakuni was very angry with the sacrifice of his beloved sister, but he could not do anything at that time, then he took a vow that he would definitely avenge this insult, and since then Shakuni became the enemy of Kauravas.

Another reason for Shakuni's enmity was his father's insult. In fact, before Gandhari's marriage, her father Subala was told by a priest that after Gandhari's marriage, her first husband would die. Worried about this, King Subala got her married to a goat, and after that the goat was killed. In this way, Gandhari was a widow. This thing was known only to Subala and his close ones, everyone was instructed not to tell this thing to anyone. Shortly after this incident, Gandhari was married to Dhritarashtra, the prince of Hastinapur. Dhritarashtra and the Pandavas were unaware that Gandhari was the widow of a goat.

After some time this thing came in front of everyone, Dhritarashtra and Pandavas were deeply hurt by this and they felt that King Subala had cheated and insulted them. To avenge his insult, Dhritarashtra imprisoned King Subala and his 100 sons. Dhritarashtra treated him very badly, he was beaten a lot. Dhritarashtra did not even respect his relationship with King Subala, the king and his family were given only a handful of rice daily, which they used to share and eat. Days passed and one of the sons of King Subala died of hunger. Then King Subala started thinking that in this way he would not allow the end of his dynasty. Out of anger towards Dhritarashtra, Subala decided that they would all give up their share of food and give it to anyone so that one of them would survive and become strong and avenge their humiliation and suffering. Shakuni was the youngest among all those brothers, so Subala decided that everyone would give their food to Shakuni. Shakuni was against this decision of his father, he did not see his father and brothers suffering like this, but due to his father's order, he had to accept it. For this reason, Shakuni was not a well-wisher of the Kauravas but was their opponent.

Time passed and King Subala also became weak. During this he made a request to Dhritarashtra, he apologized to him and forgave one of his sons Shakuni and asked him to come out of jail. He also said that Shakuni will always be with his son Kauravas and will be their well-wisher. Dhritarashtra accepted this last wish of his father-in-law and brought Shakuni to Hastinapur. King Subala breathed his last with this. Due to this Shakuni became an enemy of the Kauravas, but before dying, Subala told his son Shakuni to make such dice from his spinal cord which showed the numbers according to his wish (the same dice Shakuni used in the game between Pandavas and Kauravas in which Yudhishthira loses his 4 brothers and wife Draupadi and Draupadi is abducted. This game was the main cause of the Mahabharata war.) King Subala wanted these dice to be the reason for the end of Dhritarashtra and his dynasty and that is what happened, Shakuni The Mahabharata war was conducted with the help of these dice. King Subala also made Shakuni's one leg faint so that he would always remember this promise of his father and never forget the humiliation of his father and brothers.

According to his father's promise, Shakuni remained a well-wisher of 100 Kauravas, but in reality, Shakuni was not a well-wisher of Kauravas but was their opponent. Shakuni took the Kauravas into his belief that he was their greatest well-wisher, and at the same time, Shakuni kept on putting wrong things in their mind and teaching them wrongly. Shakuni knew that Kauravas did not like Pandavas, which he took advantage of. He used this very thing to carry out his work. Shakuni was the biggest responsible for the Mahabharata that took place in Kurukshetra, he instigated Duryodhana against the Pandavas and kept on sowing wrong things. Shakuni was also a part of the Mahabharata war, he died at the hands of Kunti's son Sahdev.

How did you feel knowing that Shakuni was not a well-wisher of the Kauravas but an opponent of Shakuni? 

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