Disney Cinderella Story

In childhood, we have heard many fairy tale stories from grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Out of which the story of Cinderella used to be our favorite. Every girl waits for her prince charming, who comes in a white mare and takes her away. Since childhood, girls grow up dreaming of this. Cinderella was also such a girl, who had been waiting for her prince since childhood. Despite being in bad circumstances, under compulsion, she did not stop dreaming of this. A turn comes in Cinderella's life, which changes her life, uniting her with her prince. Let's take you to the world of fairies today, and introduce you to Cinderella and her prince.

Story Characters

  • Cinderella
  • Prince
  • Merchant (Cinderella's Father)
  • Cinderella Stepmother
  • Cinderella Stepsisters
  • Sorceress

Once upon a time. There used to be a businessman in a state. The merchant had a little daughter named Ella. Ella was a very sweet and pious child. His father loved him very much and took care of all his needs. But there was one thing missing in Ella's life, her mother who left her and went to the house of God. To fulfill this deficiency of Ella, her father got married for the second time. Ella's new mother had two daughters. She was very happy that she had got sisters along with her mother. Both sisters were very proud, but Ella loved them and loved her new mother very much.

Ella's happiness did not last long. One day when his father went to another city for his work, he never came back. On Ella, it is as if the mountain of difficulties has been broken. As soon as the father's shadow rose from the head, his mother and sisters became the mistress of his house and started treating Ella like servant. They fired all the servants of the house and now Ella used to do all the work in the house. Her sisters even snatched her room from her and left her to live in a cell. Ella would wear her sisters' old clothes and shoes. Used to work for them all day. Sometimes Ella would get so tired that she would fall asleep near the fireplace. Often, when Ella would wake up in the morning, the ashes (cinder) of the fireplace would be lying on her. Her sisters used to tease her by calling her Cinder-Ella and thus her name changed from Ella to Cinderella.

One day it was announced in the kingdom that there is a big event in the palace and all the girls of the kingdom had been called so that the prince can marry the girl of his choice. All the girls in the state were very happy and excited. Cinderella and her sisters were also eager to try their luck. But then this happiness of Cinderella did not go down well with her stepmother and she refused to let Cinderella go to the palace. Poor Cinderella went back to her work with a sad heart and wondered what her sisters would be doing at this time and how the prince would look.

 Cinderella and Angle

While Cinderella was lost in these thoughts, a sorceress came there. When she saw Cinderella sad, she wanted to help her. Cinderella told everything to the sorceress. The sorceress said to Cinderella, “Oh! Dear Cinderella, I can help you. Saying this the sorceress waved her wand and turned a large pumpkin lying there into a wagon. These four rats were jumping and jumping, and when the sorceress caught sight of them, she turned the rats into a horse. Now a coachman was needed. The sorceress looked around and saw a frog and turned it into a coachman. Cinderella was looking at all this in amazement when the sorceress turned to her and waved her magic wand, and in the blink of an eye, Cinderella's dirty and torn clothes became clean and beautiful. A beautiful glass shoe came in place of the broken sandal on his feet. Now Cinderella was ready to go to the palace. The sorceress said goodbye to Cinderella, “Daughter, fulfill your wish, but remember that this magic will end at 12 o'clock at night.

Cinderella and his Prince Charm

When Cinderella reached the palace, everyone's eyes started looking at her. She was looking very beautiful. When the prince wanted to dance with her, Cinderella's stepsisters as well as all the girls present there started jealous of Cinderella. But no one could recognize Cinderella. The prince had decided on seeing that he would marry this girl. Even Cinderella was so engrossed in the eyes of the prince that she could not remember the words of the sorceress. In no time it was 12 o'clock. As soon as the bell rang, Cinderella remembered that the spell was to end at 12 o'clock. Cinderella ran away from there without saying anything to the prince. She didn't want the prince to see her in her old, dirty clothes and hate her. While running away, a glass slipper of Cinderella was left in the palace itself, which was picked up by the prince. The prince tried hard to find Cinderella but she could not be found anywhere. Everyone told the prince to forget her but the prince was not able to forget Cinderella.

After all, it was announced in the whole state that the prince would marry the girl on whose feet she would come. It was like a storm had come into the state. Every girl wanted to marry a prince. All the girls started calling themselves the owners of that glass shoe. After going to the girls' homes, they were made to wear the shoe, but none of them got it right. Finally, it was the turn of Cinderella's sisters. Both tried everything to wear shoes but to no avail. Now everyone's eyes stopped on Cinderella. When Cinderella put it on, the shoe came to her feet as if it was made for her. Cinderella's stepmother and sisters were shocked and upset. No one expected that the beautiful girl could be Cinderella.

When the prince asked Cinderella for marriage, Cinderella happily said yes. The very next day, with great fanfare, Cinderella was married to the prince. The prince and Cinderella were very happy with each other and loved each other very much. On the other hand, Cinderella's stepmother and sisters had to leave the kingdom as a punishment for ill-treating Cinderella.