Meaning| Definition| Scope| Charactertistics| Importance| Limitation of Micro Economics

    notes of macro economics



    The term 'micro' has been derived from the Greek word 'Mikros', which means small. Thus, micro economics is the study of individual units of economy such as individual consumers, individual firms and small groups of individual units such as various industries and markets. The term 'microeconomics' has been defined as under:


    1. "Microeconomics is the study of a particular firm, particular household, individual price, wages, income, industry and particular commodity.'

    -Prof. K. E. Boulding


    2. "Microeconomics is concerned with the economic activities of units such as consumers, resource owners and business firms.

    -Prof. Leftwitch


    3. "Microeconomics is the study of economic action of individual and well defined group of individuals.

    Handerson and Quandt




    Micro Economics studies the individual units of an economy. It includes determination of price for a commodity, determination of price for a factor of production and the principles of welfare economics. Scope of micro economics can be illustrated with the help of following diagram:







    1. A Study of Individual Units: Micro economics is a study of individual units of an economy such as a particular consumer, a particular household, particular firm, a particular industry, a particular commodity etc.

    2. A Study of Small Variables: Micro economics is a study of small variables. These variables have a negligible (almost nil) effect on whole economy.

    3. Determination of Individual Price: Price theory studies the determination of price for an individual commodity and an individual factor of production.




    1. Helpful in Understanding the Whole Economy: An economy is made of individual units. Therefore, the study of economic activities and behaviour of these units helps in understanding the whole economy.


    2. Helpful in Understanding the Working of Private Sector: Micro economics explains how are the productive resources allocated in a free market economy for producing various goods and services.


    3. Helpful in Price Determination: Micro economics explains how the relative prices of various factors of production are determined. It also explains the determination of price of goods and services.


    4. Helpful in the Formulation of Economics Policies of Government: All the economic policies of Government are affected by the working of individual economic units. As micro economics studies the activities of such units, it furnishes analytical tool for economic policies.


    5. Helpful in the Study of Welfare Economics: Welfare economics is concerned with the economic weIfare of consumers and producers. Price theory can be used to examine conditions of economic welfare.


    6. Helpful in Decision Making of an Individual: Micro economics helps an individual consumer in deciding how to spend his income to get maximum satisfaction and an individual producer in deciding how to allocate his productive resources to get maximum production at minimum cost.


    7. Helpful in the Formulation of Economics Laws: Micro economics helps in formulating fundamental economic laws such as the law of diminishing marginal utility, the law of equi-marginal utility, the theory of consumer's surplus, the theories of determination of rent, wages, interest and profit etc.




    1. Based on Impractical Assumptions: Micro economic analysis is based upon certain assumptions like full employment and perfect competition etc.

    2.   It does not Provide Real Picture of the Whole Economy: Study of individual economic units does not provide a complete and real picture of economy.

    3.  It does not help in the Solution of Problems of National Importance: Micro economic analysis may be helpful in solving the problems of individual economic units, but it is not of much help in the solution of economic problems of national importance such as monetary policy, fiscal policy, employment policy, public finance etc.

    4.  Results of Micro Analysis do not apply on the whole Economy: Results of micro analysis are not necessary to apply on the whole economy.

    For example- saving is necessary for an individual but nor for an economy.



    Basis of Difference

    Micro Economics

    Macro Economics




    Micro economics is a study of individual unit of an economy.

    Macro economics is the study of the aggregate covering the whole economy.




    Field of study

    Micro economics studies individual economic unit such as individual consumer, a household, a firm, a industry, a commodity etc.

    Macro economics is the study national aggregates such as national income, national output general price level, level of saving and investment, level of employment etc


    Deal with

    Micro economics deal with determination of price of a commodity, a factor of production, satisfaction of consumer etc.

    Macro economics deal with the problem of unemployment , trade cycles, international trade, economics growth etc.



    Demand and supply of a particular commodity.

    Aggregates demand  and supply of  whole economy



    It assumed that all macro economics variable are constant.

    It assumed that all micro economics variable are constant.



    Concerned with

    ·         Theory of product pricing

    ·         Theory of factor pricing

    ·         Theory of economic welfare

    ·         Theory of national income

    ·         Aggregate consumption

    ·         Theory of general price level


    Basis parameters




    Other name

    It is also known as Price theory.

    It is also known as Income and Employment theory.



    It applied in operational and internal issues.

    It applies in environment and external issues.


    Que: What is Micro and Macro economics?
    Ans: Micro economics is the study of individual units of economy such as individual consumers, individual firms and small groups of individual units such as various industries and markets.
    Macro economics is the study and analysis of the economy as a whole. It studies the behaviour of whole economic system in totality such as total employment, national product, national income, general price level of the country etc. 

    Que: What is Micro Economics?
    Ans:  Micro economics is the study of individual units of economy such as individual consumers, individual firms and small groups of individual units such as various industries and markets.

    Que: Who coined the term micro and macro economics?
    Ans: Ragnar Frisch