Meaning| Definition| Scope| Function of Business Statistics

    Function of business statistics



    In the modern period, numbers play an important role in the all-round development of human knowledge, science and society in general. Usually, man attains knowledge in almost every sphere of life through numbers and by the help of numerical methods, takes many important decisions. It is on the basis of numbers only that knowledge and information become certain and meaningful.

    The word 'Statistics' is derived from the German language word 'Statistik' and Latin language word 'Status' which means State or Government. 'Statistics' word was firstly used by 'Gottfried Achenwall' a famous mathematician of Germany who is also known as "Father of Statistics". On this basis we can say that statistics has its origin as "Science of Kings' In early times, the rulers conducted time to time surveys in their kingdom and these surveys were mostly related to people, money and military power. Before 3050 B.C. Egyptian kings had collected the data for the building of world-famous pyramids.

    With the passage of time, statistics have been used in different spheres of life and has become an inseparable part of human civilization.




    Statistics' can be used in two senses;

    • 1.      Singular
    • 2.      Plural


    Long time back when statistics had not been developed to the fullest extent than it was used in plural sense i.e. in form of data but as it has developed, it is used in singular sense i.e. as 'Science of Statistics'

    1)      Statistics plural i.e. numerical facts collected from individual units in form of data.

    2)      Statistics singular i.e. collection, analysis and interpretation of data scientifically.




    "Statistics are numerical statement of facts in any department of enquiry, placed in relation to each other.”

    A.L. Bowley


    "Statistics are the classified facts representing the condition of the people in a State specifically those facts, which can be stated in numbers or in table of numbers or in any tabular or classified arrangement.”




    "By Statistics we mean quantitative data affected to a marked extent by multiplicity of causes."

    Yule and Kendall





    1.      Statistics are aggregate of facts: Any isolated figure related to fact or problem cannot become statistics because from it any conclusion can't be derived.

    For example - A single figure '150' is useless but whenever we have figures relating to different years about the population, they are more useful because they are comparable and the conclusion can be derived from those figures. Hence, it would not be unjust to say that various figures related to aggregates of facts can be called statistics.


    2. Statistics are numerically expressed: We can express the facts either quantitatively, for example-height 1.5m, 1.8m, 1.4 etc. or qualitatively, for example, tall, short, very short etc. A quantitative expression is in the purview of statistics but qualitative are outside its purview as we cannot deduce a certain result from qualitative figures.


    3. Statistics are affected by multiplicity of causes: Statistics are affected by various causes for example- data of rate of interest is affected by the policy of Central Bank, the tendency of depositors, the scope of investment, the marginal efficiency of capital, etc.


    4.  Statistics are enumerated or estimated: Statistical data is either enumerated or estimated. Both methods are acceptable. If the field of investigation is a limited and a higher degree of accuracy is needed, we should adopt for enumeration and vice-versa.


    5. There should be a reasonable standard of accuracy: The data collected should be as accurate as possible as, higher the accuracy, the conclusions derived, are more reliable and vice versa.


    6. Statistics are collected for a pre-determined purpose: Data should be collected for a pre-determined purpose as without specific and predetermined purpose maintenance of accuracy is very difficult.


    7.  Statistics should be collected in a systematic manner: For collection of data proper planning should be done in relation to work, field, time and accuracy otherwise we cannot call the collected figures as data.


    8.  Statistics should be placed in relation to each other: Data should be placed in relation to each other so that their comparison is possible. In other words, we can say only homogeneous data is comparable. If heterogeneous data is taken, it is very difficult to compare them or to draw any conclusions from them.





    In older times the scope of statistics was very limited originally, it was developed as "Science of kings". But in modern times it covers the unlimited area in the various sections of human civilization. In reality in every science, the statistical methods are used in abundance. We can say "Science without statistics bears no fruit and statistics without science have no root.”


    Statistics can be divided into two parts:

    a.      Statistical Methods

    b.      Applied Statistics


    Statistical Methods


    Statistical methods are the procedures used in the collection, organisation, summary, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data.' We can compare statistical methods with the various methods which are used in producing goods. Statistical methods are grouped into the following four categories:


              Collection: By this method data is collected and edited according to the purpose of investigation.


              Presentation: It is very important to properly present the collected data in     form of tables, graphs, pictures etc., after proper classification of the data in various categories.


        iii.   Analysis: The collected data is analyzed through measures of dispersion,     central tendency, skewness, correlation, index number, analysis of time series,     interpolation and extrapolation etc.


         i     Interpretation: This means to draw a conclusion on the basis of the analysis of data and then take the decision. This step should be taken carefully and by qualified personnel.


    Applied Statistics


    Under applied statistics various problems based on the statistical methods are used to solve the various problem based on real facts. "The applied statistician puts statistical methods into practice in a particular subject matter. Statistical methods give the generally accepted formulas and law and when those laws are applied in relation to real facts, we get real data.

     For example- data related to population, national income, industrial production, wages etc. Applied data relates to economics, commerce, social science, administration, biology and other science that's why for applied statistics we should have general knowledge with the knowledge of statistical methods.

      Applied statistics can be divided into the following two categories:

              Descriptive Applied Statistics: In this, past and present data related to     any   field is studied for the purpose of giving descriptive information. 

    F     For example- price index and population data come under the purview of     descriptive applied statistics because they provide with the present and past information of data.


            Scientific Applied Statistics: Under this statistical methods are used to confirm the scientific law, already formulated. For example; with the help of scientific applied statistics, a person in the field of commerce, can confirm the business cycle and get it generally accepted.




    Now a day's statistics is being used in every sphere of human life. There is hardly any field or sphere which is untouched by statistics. The main functions of the statistics are as follows:


    1)      Expression of Facts Numerically: The main work of statistics is to express the various facts in the numerical terms. Just saying this that our national income is less or the population is very much, is meaningless until and unless these two statements are expressed numerically. It is only through the numerical expression of facts, one can compare between the two series, facts, quality, quantity, years etc.


    2)      Simplification of Complexities: The numerical statements which are very complex in nature, are not understandable easily by the common man. By applying various techniques of statistics like classification, tabulation, comparison, and co-efficient of correlation, these complexities are changed into simplicities to be easily understood by a common man.

    For example- Numbers obtained by two thousand students studying in two colleges are not helpful in drawing of any conclusion until and unless a separate result-sheet is prepared for each college. In reality, through statistics, this complex data is changed into simple and representative form.


    3)      Comparison and correlation: Once the data is simplified, it has to be compared with the other data and a degree of correlation is also studied between two.

    For example- If we say that per capita income in India is Rs. 450 per annum or the average age of an Indian is 30 years then these statements are only information. But if we also know that the per capita income in Pakistan is Rs. 350 and the average age of a Pakistani is 27 years. Then by comparing the two nations we can draw a conclusion that India is more developed than Pakistan and the living conditions are also better in India than Pakistan. Through the method of comparison, statistics is serving mankind to a great extent.


    4)      Formulation of proper Policy: After comparing and calculating correlation the work of deriving conclusions become easy and on the basis of that the desired policies can be formulated. In the current financial year what should be the export-import policy, how much food-grains should be imported, what should be the policy of Reserve Bank of India to control inflation, what should be the cash reserve ratio etc. are the questions, the answer of which can be obtained through policies formulated on the basis of scientific analysis of the data.


    5)      Estimation of Future Phenomena: ln addition to the analysis of the present economical facts there are two important techniques of statistics--interpolation and extrapolation, through the help of which we can estimate about the future. In the reality, our economic development and other policies depend mainly on statistical techniques.


    6)      A Test to the Scientific Laws: In all social science, the various laws are formulated on the basis of Deduction Method, but the main defect of these laws are that in real-life at the individual level they have many exceptions. Statistical science formulate the laws on Inductive Method which are more practical and scientific. The various laws in different fields such as, in economics, a quantitative theory of money, Malthusian theory of population, Angle's theory of the formation of the family budget together with, physics, biology, zoology etc. are formed and can be tested and their laws confirmed with the help of statistical data.


    7)      Enhancement of Individual Knowledge and Experience: The main function of statistics is to enhances the individual's knowledge at a logical and intellectual level and experience. Through it a person's ideas become more clear various problems are solved through social surveys and statistical techniques and this increase's the person's knowledge and capacity to take more scientific decisions which are easily acceptable by others.


    8)      Proper Realization of Magnitudes: Through the use of data, various explanations become more acceptable and clear. By this, the importance and magnitude of the problem are also realized.

    For example- if we say that our The fifth plan is much larger as compared to the first one, we cannot comment on the situation, But if we say that our First plan is of Rs. 2000 crore and The fifth plan is of Rs. 1988 crores then we can easily realize their magnitude and importance.