Why our Country India was called the Golden Bird.

Why India was called the golden bird?

Why our country India was called the golden bird. There was a time when India used to be among the richest countries in the world. Because of which everyone dreamed of ruling our country. For the purpose of ruling India, many people have been attacked here and ruled by many kings, while the British have also ruled our country for a long time. And during this time India has also suffered many kinds of losses. Where earlier India got the status of being a gold bird, now the status that India got is completely over. For which reasons our country had got this status. Today we will tell you about those reasons in this article.


Reasons why India was known as the Golden Bird in World


India got this name for many reasons. In that era, the kings of India used to have a lot of wealth and property. At the same time, spices, cotton and iron were found in good quantity in India and these things were bought by people of other countries. Apart from this, India's GDP was also very good at that time. At the same time, other reasons for calling India a gold bird are explained below, which are as follows:


What Is Peacock Throne?


Peacock Throne

One of the biggest reasons behind calling India a gold bird was the peacock throne. This throne had its own distinct identity. It was said that two Taj Mahals could be constructed with the same amount of money that was put on it to build this throne. But in the year 1739, the Persian ruler Nadir Shah won this  by winning a battle. After all, what was so special about this throne and whose throne was it is explained below.


History of Peacock Throne 


Shah Jahan on Peacock Throne

The construction of the peacock throne was started by Shah Jahan in the 17th century. Shah Jahan spent a lot to build this throne. About one thousand kilos of gold was used to build this throne. Not only this, but there were also many precious stones in this throne. Apart from these stones, the pride of this throne was further enhanced by Kohinoor diamonds. This diamond was also installed in this throne. At the same time, talking about the price of this throne, it was said to be worth 4.5 billion, which is 450 crores according to the rupee of India.


Kohinoor Diamond History


crown of Queen of England

You people must have heard about the Kohinoor diamond many times. You would know that this diamond used to be with India, after which this diamond is passing through the hands of many people, today it is increasing the glory of the crown of Queen of England. At that time, the size of this diamond was the largest in the whole world. It is said that this diamond was 5000 years old.


Mir Osman Ali Khan of India was the richest man in the world (The Wealth of Mir Osman Ali Khan)


Osman Ali Khan

The ruler of Hyderabad, Osman Ali Khan, was declared the richest man in the world in 1937 by Time magazine. Not only this, the time magazine had also put his photos on the cover page of his magazine and according to the magazine he had the highest wealth in the world at that time, which was considered equal to two percent of America's economy at that time.


Mir Osman Ali Khan History


Osman Ali Khan took over as the ruler of Hyderabad in 1911. The states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra used to be part of Hyderabad at that time. British India, which ruled in India at that time, was also surprised to see the Nizam's pride and passion. It is said that he used to have many types of diamonds. The Nizam was so rich that he used to have a diamond golf ball. At the same time, this diamond has been named the fifth largest diamond in the world and its value is said to be around 10 crores. Not only this, in 1947, the Nizam gave the diamond necklace as a gift to the Queen of British in their wedding, which is still known as the Nizam of Hyderabad necklace. Apart from this, during the Second World War, he had given him two combat ships to help the British and for this help he was also honored by the British in the year 1946.


State Bank of Hyderabad origin


Osman Ali Khan also had his own currency, which used to run in Hyderabad. That currency was called the Osmania coin. Apart from this, the State Bank of Hyderabad was opened only during the time of his rule.


Nizam had 50 Rolls Royce


It is said that once a British officer made fun of him and said that he does not have the ability to buy a Rolls Royce car. The Nizam responded to this joke by buying 50 Rolls Royce. Not only this, he used to use these vehicles to collect garbage. You must have guessed that after reading about the rule of Osman Ali Khan, he used to have a lot of wealth. At the same time, his wealth was also a reason behind India getting the status of a gold bird.


Gross domestic product (GDP)


India's gross domestic product is undoubtedly not much special at this time. But it is said that India's GDP was the highest in the world during 1 BCE and 1000 BCE. Not only this, many types of precious stones were also found in India. Apart from this, a lot of gold was also present in India. But with time, all these things started declining.


The hard work of the kings of India


The great rulers of India, during their reign, had done many things for the promotion of their kingdom, so that their kingdom was always rich. It is said that during the Mughal rule the income of the country was larger than the entire treasury of Britain. Apart from this, barter system was first used in India. India also used to import and export many things.




India has been rich in everything from the beginning. In our country, many things have been produced through farming for many years. At the same time, many quantities of gold and diamonds were also found on the land of India. At the same time, these things which were present in India were looted by the British and the kings of other country and due to which our country suffered a lot. If India was not ruled by these people, perhaps today we could have said that India is a gold bird. But with time, India's place in the world became less and this question was left behind why India was called the golden bird.