Meaning| Definition| Function of Marketing

meaning, definition and function of marketing

    Meaning and Definitions of Marketing:

    Generally, the marketing is the purchase and sale of commodities are taken to be the meaning of marketing. Even a top executive in the field of marketing feels that marketing is to sell. A farmer feels that the sale of agricultural products in the market is marketing. A general consumer feels that the purchase of goods and services for the satisfaction of his needs is marketing. A businessman feels that the sale of his stock is marketing, but it is a limited form of thinking to think so. Marketing is somewhat broader and wider than it is understood. Marketing can broadly be divided into two parts:

    Narrow or Product Oriented Concept of Marketing:

    This concept of marketing stresses upon the concept product. It is traditional in marketing. It is based on the assumption that whatever is produced by the producer can be easily and readily sold in the market without any problem. This concept further assumes that customer has no important role to play in the market. Therefore, the producer is to concentrate only upon the production. He need not to bother for the choice or likings of the customers.



     "Marketing comprises both buying and selling activities." This definition of Marketing consists only the purchase and sale. It ignores the functions of physical distribution and auxiliary functions of marketing.

    F. Pyle,

    "Marketing consists of those efforts which affect transfers in the ownership of goods and services distribution." This definition is, and provide for their physical includes the transfers of course, wider than that of Prof. ownership and physical distribution in the meaning of Pyle. It is marketing.

    Tousley, Clark and Clark,

    "Marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer or user."

    American Marketing Association


    Narrow concept of marketing is clear that:


    First, this marketing starts only after the completion of the production process.

    Second, it assumes that the producers or sellers of goods and services know what is good and what is bad for their consumers. In other words, this definition lays emphasis upon production than the customer.  It is called product-oriented concept of marketing.

    Therefore, this marketing represent only a limited and narrow concept of marketing.

    Broad or Customer-oriented Concept of Marketing.

    This concept of marketing lays more emphasis on customers than production. Therefore, this concept is known as a customer-oriented concept. Main definitions of this concept are as follows:

    "Marketing is the process of discovering and translating consumer needs and wants into product and service specifications, creating demand for these products and services and then in turn expanding this demand.'

    Prof. H. L. Hansen,

     This definition of marketing, explains some very important facts of the meaning of marketing.

    1)      First, Marketing functions do not start with the production. They start well before production. First of all the needs and wants of consumers are discovered.

    2)      Second, when the needs and wants of consumers are discovered, goods and services are produced to meet these wants and needs.

    3)      Third, demand is created for these goods and services and then this demand is expanded.


    Thus, it includes investigation regarding the needs and tastes of consumers, planning for production of goods and services so that these needs may be effectively satisfied and the determination of marketing policies and programmes.


    "Marketing is the business process by which products are matched with markets and through which transfers of ownership are affected."

    Cundiff and Still,

    This definition makes it clear that the producer produces goods and services, according to the needs and requirements of the market or of customers. Thus, it is clear that the functions of marketing commence well in advance before production.


    "Marketing is a total system of interacting business activities designed to plan, price, promote and distribute want-satisfying products and services to present and potential customers.’’

    William J. Stanton,


    It includes all the activities performed by the producers to satisfy the marketing needs of their customers in the field of marketing. Thus, marketing functions start well before production and continue till the wants of customers are satisfied.


    "Marketing is the response of businessman to the needs to adjust production capabilities to the requirements of consumer demands."

    E. Jerome McCarthy,  

    This definition of marketing makes it clear that marketing is an activity of producing the goods and services to meet the demands of consumers.

    "Marketing is the analysing, organising, planning and controlling of the firm's customer impinging resources, policies and activities with a view to satisfying the needs and wants of chosen customer-groups at a profit.'

    Philip Kotler,


    It clear that all the marketing activities cluster around the needs and wants of consumers. These activities start with the discovery of such needs and end with the satisfaction of these needs.

    Functions of Marketing

    Function of marketing

    Cundiff and Still have divided the functions of marketing into three parts as follows:

    [I] Merchandising Functions:

    Merchandising functions of marketing include all those functions of marketing which are performed in relation to create a demand of a product and to make it available in a specific market having some specific needs. Following are the functions included in this group:


    (1) Product Planning and Development: A producer has to produce the goods and services according to the needs of his customers so that the object of customer satisfaction may be achieved. He has to make the design, size, weight, price and packing of his product according to the changing needs and tastes of his customers. Therefore, the very first function of marketing is to plan product and to develop it so that it may satisfy the expectations of customers.
    At the early stage of trade and commerce, the function of product planning and development was performed by the production department with the help of engineering and technical research development. Therefore, nowadays, all the important decisions related to product planning, product modification, product development, gradation, standardisation, diversification, brand, and packing, etc. are taken by the marketing department.

    (2) Standardising and Grading: The goods are produced on the basis of definite standards as to the quality of the product, size of the product, colour of product, weight of product, price of the product, etc. Standardising and grading make it easy for both the consumers and sellers to achieve their individual objects.


    (3) Buying and Assembling: For the purpose of functions of marketing, buying means the acquisition of goods and services by the seller or industrial user for the purpose of resale. Assembling means the collection of different types of goods and services by mediators for the purpose of resale.

    For example- The purchase of crop of small farmers scattered throughout the country by wholesale grain merchants is the assembling because they sell it to the retailers who sell them to the ultimate consumers for real consumption. Such types of activities are included within the purview of functions of marketing.

    (4) Selling: Broadly speaking, marketing does not mean to sell the goods and services only. It includes the discovery of tastes and wants of the customers, production of goods and services according to their tastes, creation of demand, real sale, and after-sale services. For the achievement of this purpose, it becomes essential for the marketing personnel to establish effective coordination among the activities of advertisement, personal selling, sales promotion and after-sale service.


    [II] Physical Distribution Functions:


    Physical distribution functions of marketing are the activities performed for the purpose of distributing the goods and services to their real consumers.These functions include all the functions related to the transportation of goods and services from the place of producer or seller to the place of buyer. It includes the following two functions.

    (1) Storage:
    Storage is considered to be the main activity of marketing these days. Whenever and whatever the production is seasonal and consumption is parenial, the goods are to be stored in good condition from the time of production till the time of consumption. Storage aims at meeting different objects such as-- Gap between the time of production and the time of consumption, to get the expected appreciation in prices, to capture the market, etc.

    (2) Transportation.
    Transportation refers to the real distribution of goods from the place of production to the place of consumption. Business and transportation are the two aspects of one coin. One is its head' and the other is its tail. Effective marketing system must be associated with an economical and effective transportation system because an effective system of transportation creates place utility. Production at large scale and specialisation has been possible only because of the means of transportation.

    [III] Auxiliary Functions:

    Auxiliary functions are the functions which make the process of marketing easy and convenient. It includes the following functions:

    (1) Marketing Finance.
    Marketing finance means the arrangement of adequate finance for the distributing the goods and services to their real consumers. Marketing Finance is a very important function of marketing because it is only an imagination to carry on marketing activities successfully without adequate finance. The businessman has to arrange for short-term finance, medium-term finance and long-term finance according to the needs of the business.

    (2) Risk Bearing.
    Marketing involves many large risks. Some are the risks which can be insured, such as flood, fire theft, robbery, dacoity, Toot, etc. On the other hand, some are the risks which cannot be insured, such as - fall in the prices, changes in the demand, changes in the fashion, changes in the tastes of consumers, etc. These risks can never be eliminated, however, these can be minimized through an effective system of sales forecasting, market advertisement, sales promotion and product research, diversification, etc.

    (3) Market Information.
    Market information plays a very wide role in the success of an enterprise. A businessman has to collect different types of market information so that he can chalk out his market programme and policy according to this information. The market information includes the collection of data regarding trend of the market, Government policy, price policy of different business enterprises, tastes of consumers, change in fashion, scientific development, channels of distribution, media of advertisement, etc. No business effort can be successful in the absence of this information. These information are collected by different business enterprises, specialised Agencies, Government and Research scholars at different times, papers and magazines. A businessman must collect all these information to get through these problems so that he may make necessary changes in his marketing policy and programme.

    (4) Pricing.
    Pricing is perhaps the most important decision taken by a businessman. It is the decision upon which the success or failure of an enterprise depends to large extent. Therefore, the price must be determined only after taking all the relevant factors into consideration. While determining pricing policy, the factors to be considered are the cost of production, the severity of competition, prices of competitors, marketing policy, Government policy, and the buying capacity of consumers, etc.