Meaning| Definition| Objective| Users| Need| Nature| Limitation of Financial Accounting

Notes on financial accounting



    Accounting has been in practice from centuries and centuries. It is as old as money itself. ‘Arthashastra’, the book written by famous economist Kautilya, reveals that accounting has been in practice in India since about 2300 years. However, the origin of the modern system of accounting dates back to 1494 when Lucas Pacioli of Italy first published, the Principles of Double Entry System'.




    Accounting has been taken seriously from the late thirties although it was in use earlier also. In recent years, the importance of accounting has increased manifold due to large scale production and cut throat-competition. In the words of Gordon and Gordon, "It has come to be recognised as a tool for mastering various economic problems which a business organization may have to face."

    Many important developments have taken place in accounting and various boards like AICPA, (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants), AAA (American Accounting Association), ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) have been formed. The advent of Joint-stock companies, where accounting and auditing has been made compulsory, gave a further boost to accounting. Today, accounting has become a need of every businessman, small or large, rural or urban, trade or industry.




    Accounting is the language that a business enterprise use to communicate with others about its working results and progress. The basic purpose of accounting is to ascertain the profit or loss of business and also to know the financial position of a business. Accounting information helps management to take important decisions regarding business and chalking out future policies.


    To make the meaning of accounting more clear, let us study the following definitions of accounting:


    “Accounting is the science of recording, classifying, summarizing the business transation in a significant manner and in terms of money. It is an art of analyzing and interpretation of business transation and communicate the result to the concern parties.”


    "Accounting is the art of recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money transactions and events which in part, at least of a financial character and interpreting results thereof."

    American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA),

    "Accounting is the process of communicating economic information identifying, measuring and information." to permit informed judgements and decisions by the users of information.”

    American Accounting Association (AAA),





    Following are the main characteristics of accounting


    1.       Accounting is a science of recording financial transactions.
    2.       It helps in ascertaining financial results.
    3.      Accounting communicate various information to management to take an important decision.
    4.      Accounting helps in measuring business events in terms of money.
    5.       It helps in interpreting the results of a business.
    6.      Accounting is a science as well as an art.
    7.      It is an art of analyzing and interpretation of business transactions.





    Accounting as a Science and as an Art:


    Meaning of Science: Science is a systematic body of knowledge which establishes a relationship between causes and effects. It is a systematic collection, classification and analysis of Facts.

    Thus, the following are the essentials of science

    (i) A systematic study of facts, (ii) certain rules and principles, (iii) rules and principles of science are based on causes and effects and (iv) rules and principles of science is universally applicable.


    Is Accounting a Science Arguments in Favour:

            i.            Like science accounting involves the collection, classification and analysis of data of monetary transactions.

          ii.            Like science, accounting is based on certain rules and principles.

        iii.            Like science, accounting establishes a relationship between causes and effects of economic events.

         iv.            Like science, rules and principles & accounting are universal. These rules and principles apply in almost all countries circumstances.


    Is Accounting A Science Arguments Against:

            i.            Rules and principles of accounting are not as static as those of science. Rules and principles of accounting keep on changing from time to time.

          ii.            Accountants may manipulate the rules and principles of accounting because they are free to use these rules and principles according to their requirements.

        iii.            There are wide differences among accountants on the application of accounting rules and principles.


    Conclusion: Above discussion mates it clear that accounting is certainly a science.  The rules and principles of accounting are not as static and universal as those of science. Accounting is basically a social science and its subject matter is the recording and analysis of the business transaction.



    Meaning of Art: Art means the systematic branch of knowledge which teaches how to do a particular work in its best manner. Art is the practical application of scientific principles. Science lays down certain principles while art puts these principles into practical use.


    Arguments in Favour:

            i.            Accounting explains how the business transactions should be recorded in books of accounts and how they should be analyzed.

          ii.            Accounting helps in the comparative study of financial results.

        iii.            Conclusions drawn in the accounting process are important in the solution of business problems.

         iv.            Artistic view of accounting does not weaken its scientific view.


    Arguments in Against:

            i.            Accounting is related to recording, classifying and analyzing financial business transactions. Accounting is no how concerned with decision making and policymaking.

          ii.            Nature and scope of accounting and art are quite different from each other.


    Conclusion: Above discussion makes it clear that accounting is an art as well. Science and art are complementary to each other and not competitive. Every theoretical knowledge requires practical application also. From this point of view, artistic view of accounting cannot be denied.





    A large number of transactions take place in every business in day-to-day activities such as sales, purchases, expenses, incomes, receipts, payments etc.

    It is not possible for a businessman to memorize each and every transaction of business as they are innumerable. A businessman gives cash/makes payments and receives payments on a day-to-day basis. He cannot remember all the varied transactions taking place in business daily. Accounting helps in the following ways:


            i.            All financial transaction are recorded in a systematic manner in the books of account so that there is no need to rely on memory. Hence memory is limited and its very nature.

          ii.            It needs to maintain proper books of account.

        iii.            Financial accounting needs to maintain systematic business records and it enables the accountant to compare the profit of one year with earlier year to know the significant change.

         iv.            It can be produced in the court of law as evidence in case of dispute




    Though accounting provides a lot of information to various people, yet it is not free from limitations.Important limitations of accounting are as under:

    1.      Ignores Qualitative Aspects: In accounting, only those transactions are recorded which are expressed in terms of money. Qualitative aspects such as the skill of manager, customer's tastes and preferences, changes in government policy, changes in the state of competition etc, are not recorded in accounts. It records only quantitative transactions and ignores the qualitative aspects of these transactions.


    2.      Possibility of Manipulation: In accounting, interpretation and results may be based on the personal bias of an accountant. He can manipulate accounts by charging more depreciation, creating excess provision etc. It may be manipulated to show a more favourable position or even less income.


    3.      Showing Valueless Assets: In accounting, certain valueless assets such as the discount on issue of shares and debentures, preliminary expenses, deferred revenue expenditure etc, are shown in the balance sheet.


    4.      Based on Historical Cost: Accounts are prepared on the basis of historical costs. It does not take into consideration the effect of price level changes. Decisions based on such figures may not be correct and these may mislead the user also.



    Accounting is a means of communicating the results and progress of business to them. Various persons inside and outside the business are as follows are interested in accounting information. Users of accounting information:


     Internal Users: Internal users are the persons which are within an organization i.e., the persons working in the business. Internal users of accounting information include owners, shareholders, management and employees.


    1.      Owners: Owners are the persons who have invested their money in the business. They need accounting information to know the profitability and financial position of the business in which their money is invested. They are also interested in knowing the safety, liquidity and profitability of their funds and future prospects of a business. Accounting provides all this information to them.


    2.      Management: Management is responsible for planning, organizing, decision making, and controlling. Accounting provides a lot of information to management and helps in the decision-making process. It helps the management in planning and controlling function. It also helps the management in finding the weak points and deviations of business so that necessary remedial measures may be taken. It helps in fixing the quotation price/selling price also.


    3.      Employees: Employees are interested in knowing the profitability of the business as they would like to claim higher salaries, higher bonus and better perquisites. In an unsound organization/business, employees do not want to work, therefore, they use accounting information to assess the profitability and future prospects of the business.


    External Users: External users are the persons which are outside the government etc. organization like investors, buyers, creditors,


    1.      Investors and Potential Investors: Investors are interested in knowing the safety of their funds and potential investors want to make decisions whether to invest in the business or not. They want to know the financial position and profitability of the business and, thus, accounting serves their purpose.


    2.     Creditors and Financial Institutions: Creditors would like to know whether their money is safe and whether they would get creditworthiness of their money back in due time or not. They want to be satisfied with the enterprise. Financial institutions have to decide whether to accept a loan proposal of an enterprise or not.

    For this purpose, they need complete information of financial soundness and profitability of the business enterprise. Financial statements help in the study help in assessing the financial capability of a business.


    3.      Government and other Agencies: Government is interested in the financial statements of business for the assessment of tax liability such as income tax, sales tax, service tax, customs duty, excise duty, VAT etc. It needs accounting information for compiling statistics for the ascertainment of national income, national product, rate of savings and capital formation also. Other agencies also need to know the financial position of business enterprises.


    4.      Consumers and General Public: Consumers are interested in accounting information as they want to know whether the price they are paying for goods and services purchased by them, is fair or not. General public is interested in accounting because successful business enterprises provide more employment opportunities and contribute to the development of the economy.


    5.      Researchers: Accounting is of universe use to researchers. It helps in providing useful information to researchers like sales, purchases, profit and loss, fixed assets, current assets, current liabilities etc.



    Objective of Accounting


    The main objectives of accounting are as follows:


    1.      To Keep Systematic Record of Business Transactions: Accounting aims at recording all financial or economic transactions in the books of accounts systematically. This is quite important as we can not remember all transactions in mind. For this purpose, all business transactions are first of all recorded in Journal or Subsidiary Books and then posted into the ledger.


    2.      To Disclose Operational Results: Accounting helps in calculating the net profit earned or loss suffered on account of carrying the business. This is done by keeping a proper and complete record of incomes and expenses of a particular period. For this purpose, Trading and Profit & Loss Account of the organization is prepared at the end of each accounting period.


    3.      To Provide Knowledge about Financial Position: To find out the financial position of the business is also the main objective of Accounting. While summarizing the accounting data a financial positional statement is prepared. It is named as "Balance Sheet". A Balance Sheet is actually a mirror of the financial position of the business. It is also said to be a barometer for ascertaining the financial health of the business.



    4.      To Provide Information to Various Persons: Accounting is of primary importance to the proprietors and the managers. However, other persons such as creditors, prospective investors, employees, lender or Government etc. are also interested in the accounting information. Accounting these days has taken upon itself the task of collection, analysis and reporting of information to various users in order to facilitate rational decision-making.


    5.      To Meet Legal requirements: Accounting system helps the proprietors or the management in fulfilling various legal requirements, such as income tax or sales tax returns etc. It also helps in contesting the court cases.


    6.      Control Over Employees: Scientific and logical accounting system can detect frauds and errors easily leading to effective control over malpractices of employees.